God eater rage burst serpent dagger value
God eater rage burst serpent dagger value

god eater rage burst serpent dagger value

Most of them have some kind of stupid, forgettable name like XAROX or CHANDU or CHONDU or something foreign-sounding, often with "The Mystic" tossed in. They combine the worst aspects of the use of Magic (varied Power Levels random powers that come and go half-assed ways of writing the villain's defeat) in comics together with them being generally less-used than other villains, making doing any kind of research annoying. Statting up Magic Villains is such a raging pain in the ass. Total: Abilities: 46 / Skills: 14-7 / Advantages: 4 / Powers: 54 / Defenses: 13 (124) Binding a Wizard's hands, body or mouth may impede certain spells.

god eater rage burst serpent dagger value

Power Loss (Magic)- Casting magical spells requires some freedom of movement, and sometimes even speech. Other Magic Stuff +8 (Probably Afflictions and Junk)ĭodge +8 (DC 18), Parry +7 (DC 17), Toughness +2 (Probably Has a Force Field or Something Dumb), Fortitude +4, Will +6

god eater rage burst serpent dagger value

Magic Stuff +8 (+8-14 Damage, Probably Ranged, DC 23-29) "Whatever Powers The Write Tought Of- I Dunno, F*** Off" Variable 7 "Magical Senses" Senses 5 (Detect Magic- Acute, Analytical & Ranged) Improved Critical (Magical Attacks), Ranged Attack 2, Ritualist Group Affiliations: Probably Some Demon or Something (seriously, all these stories are similar) Destroying it means it gains its rage mode attacks and the small ring of fire that happens to work as deco-wings.įor battle information check the Advanced Information page.Created By: Any Writer Without A Better Ideaįirst Appearance: Various Comics (mostly filler) This happens to be how Hannibal's back scale works. Should it be touched or damaged in some way, the dragon will go crazy and kill the person who touched the scale. This particular scale points in the opposite direction of the other scales on a dragon's back (According to old myths, the scale is 1/81, or one in 81). Hannibal's back scale is themed after the Gekirin, or Reverse Scale of dragons in real-life mythology.Hannibal has its wrist attached to its left arm while Corrosive Hannibal has it on its right arm.In-game, it can be killed, but it revives in a cutscene after its first fight.

god eater rage burst serpent dagger value

It has an organ that can generate a new core soon after the original one is removed, making it impossible to defeat (story-wise) until Sakaki invents an antibody, designed to destroy or stop this organ from functioning.It is implied that it is an offshoot result of Lindow's transformation into a Corrosive Hannibal. Hannibal is the flagship monster of God Eater Burst.Those seeking perfection are advised to weaken its defenses by breaking the horns on its head and its gauntleted left arm. When destroyed, it unleashes a powerful flame attack. The scales on its back store vast amounts of heat energy. Destroy the head or bracer on the left arm to lower its defense for a sure win.Ī large Aragami that looks like a man/dragon hybrid.Įxtremely nimble, it controls weaponized flames and moves like a human being. The dorsal hump contains large amount of heat energy that will emit great amounts of fire attacks when damaged. The martial moves and ability to form weapons with fire is strangely similar to human behavior. It looks like a dragon and can regenerate without a core. God Eater Resurrection & God Eater 2 Rage BurstĪ new species of Aragami first discovered at the Far East Branch. The following information is taken from the official in-game descriptions of the Aragami found in the NORN Terminal's database. Hannibal is a large dragon-like Aragami first introduced in God Eater Burst, known for its ability to breath fire and wreak destruction, especially once its scale is broken and its fiery wings sprout. God Eater Burst God Eater 2 God Eater 2 Rage Burst

God eater rage burst serpent dagger value